赖永炫   Sat Nov 26 2016 12:06:54 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间) [ 新闻 ]     浏览次数:3684

受福建师范大学大学数学与计算机科学学院的邀请,赖永炫副教授于2016年10月31日访问师大数计学院和福建省网络安全与密码技术重点实验室,进行了深入的交流和讨论。31号早上赖永炫老师在师大仓山校区成功楼603报告厅做了题为“Data Gathering and Management in Opportunistic Mobile Networks”的学术讲座。计算机系教师、研究生等二十余人参加了该讲座。

报告题目:Data Gathering and Management in Opportunistic Mobile Networks

报告摘要:The wireless sensor networks and opportunistic networks have nowadays presented a trend of technology convergence. On one hand, nodes periodically sense the environment and continuously generate large amount of sensing data; on the other hand, the movements or sparse deployment of nodes usually lead to intermitted-connected links and create some form of opportunistic communications. So it is a challenging problem to effectively collect and share the sensing data in opportunistic mobile networks. The talk would cover the following two aspects:

1) it would give an overview of the challenges of data management at opportunistic networks, and introduce our work at data gathering and sharing algorithms;

2) it would discuss some data management issues emerged with the Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET), and present the idea of fog computing paradigm”, which is a prominent solution to handle these issues.



自动标签  : 福建   访问   师范大学   赖永炫   Opportunistic   The   network   datum   仓山   Management   nodes   Mobile   sense   would   计算机    

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